Prime Express Logistics & Security

Insure Your Assets

Track Shipment

Keep Your Assets Safe

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Get the account that's flexible enough to give you your needs without slowing you down.

We believe that first impressions count. With our bespoke front of Insurance services, we help create a memorable client experience that combines security and hospitality.

Our range of guarding services ensure the safety and protection of your people, premises and assets.We align our services to support the smooth running of your business operations.

Our enhanced security teams include highly trained individuals, ex-special forces and military personnel.

Regions provides comprehensive solutions for safeguarding your assets .

For our express delivery, valuables should be expected from 2 to 5 days.

It has its cost raised above all other logistics sevices but also virually low in order to have all our customers meet their needs at crucial point in times.

Our shipping service has its daily routine routes to deliver goods at various destinations across the globe.

Sign up for our bespoke insurance & Security Services


Safe Keeping

We provide our clients with the peace of mind they enjoy by providing efficient service, mastering surveillance and intervention techniques. We provides individuals and businesses with vault-secured protection of important documents, jewelry and precious metals e.g. Gold, diamonds etc.


Counter Surveillance

Need expert counter surveillance services? Call Prime Express Today! Our counter surveillance services restore your privacy and peace of mind. Prime Express‘s counter surveillance services begin with a technical threat assessment to identify your vulnerabilities. Accordingly, these vulnerabilities are addressed during your service.


Dispatch Arrangement

You want immediate and accurate dispatching services and that is what we provide! Our dispatchers have initiated over 5,000 dispatches in just the past two years! At Prime Express, we are used to being busy and tracking vehicles and personnel.


Cargo handling

The carriage of cargo is becoming increasingly important in the overall airline operations worldwide and this importance makes it essential that standard procedures in security are applied to cargo handling.


Enhanced Life Saving Plan

This policy is auniversal endowment Assurance Maximum Saving Plan, with a compulsory term assurance rider. Its unique feature is the saving and Protection benefits put together to provide llifetime lump sum cash needs of the life assured.

Prime Express Logistics & Security Company Limited’s Civil Investigations and Bureau of intelligence provides the finest Safe Keepings of Valuable Assets (e.g. Money, Gold, Diamonds, Valuable Documents etc.), Surveillance, Private Bodyguards, Background Investigators, for Hotels, Industries, Construction Sites and Private Individuals among others.

Prime Express works hand-in-hand with clients and event management services providing a comprehensive security threat analysis and effective prevention strategies. Our team of highly qualified and knowledgeable security, operational, and VIP protocol experts, provide assessment, appropriate preparation and total fulfilment for all logistical and security needs for all types of events.

Prime Express Logistics & Security